- Me- Simi success- Again, no sewing but I did get craft time in and made Maddy a scrap tutu. I didn't really make my sewing goal for the month but I did make my goal of doing something I enjoy, even with the lack of time lately. That's a success in my book!!
- Kids- Success! Again, nothing big but Maddy and I did spend some one-on-one time through out the week and on Tuesday we both had chiropractor appointments again. I never wanted our one-on-one time to only be big things like our mall date. So this has definitely been a success!!
- Family- Fail. I knew this was going to be the difficult one so it's not a surprise that this one was not a success this month.
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© Mama Dani's Musings
What an adorable tutu! Good job on your goals! :)