Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pregnancy Update: 13 weeks

Good bye 1st trimester! Hello 2nd trimester!

It's nice to be in the 2nd trimester now. I'm starting to feel much better. Morning sickness was the worse I've had yet. But that has eased off and I can drink caffeine again (not that I'm drinking a lot). Hello coffee! Oh how I missed you! I still can't eat meat all the time but more times than not, I can. I learned in the last few weeks that it wouldn't be easy for me to be a vegetarian. The exciting announcement: I'm pretty sure I've felt little jellybean! The other night I had a small piece of candy followed by the first soda I've had in a while. Not long afterwards, I felt a little flutter. I've felt it a couple more times. Such a wonderful feeling!! I have another little announcement. Sean and Maddy were not born in the same place. Neither will this baby. After 2 uneventful and easy pregnancies and births, I've hired a CPM (certified professional midwife) and will be having a homebirth. Not everyone agrees with our decision but I've very excited!

A little picture fun: my 13 week baby bump and a peach.
Little jellybean isn't the size of a jellybean any more. He/she's now the size of a peach.


  1. Yay! Congraulations, Momma! And I'm glad you're feeling atleast somewhat better. We miss you guys! I also haven't forgotten about your blog layout too. Things are starting to finally slow down here so hopefully I'll have it for ya soon!

  2. let me know if you want me to capture the birth!!! :) :)
