Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Good Bye 2014, Hello 2015!!

It's that time again! Time to say goodbye to the old year and hello to the new year. I like to say goodbye to the old year by reminiscing.

In 2014:
  • We begun the new year will lots of new life in our little suburban homestead ...and more in February! ...and more later in the year that I didn't blog about, including hatching eggs under a broody hen for the first time.
  • I focused on my crafty side and opened up my Etsy shop: Made by Mama Dani
  • I started the year having just lost a few daycare kiddos but have ended the year with a full house and a nice wait list for my home daycare.
  • We said goodbye to our beloved Dachshund Annabelle.
  • And said hello to a little firecracker Boomer.
  • We started a new school year with Sean in the 1st grade and Maddy in kindergarten.
  • I brought back Fun Lunches for the kids.
  • The kids had a fun and busy year with Maddy continuing dance, Sean continuing soccer, and Sean starting scouts, and we all started going swimming at the ymca: update post #1 and update post #2
  • Maddy turned 5, Sean turned 7 and Emily turned 3 this year. my have they been growing!
  • Richard and I celebrated 8 years of marriage! 
  • I became serious about bettering myself. I logged my food and made better choices. I worked out regularly with cardio, weight lifting, swimming, and yoga. I've lost about 14 lbs!

Onto the new year! My intentions for 2015:
  • As cliche as this is, I plan to continue working at bettering myself. I will work on the last 20-30 lbs I want to lose. I will continue to make good food choices. I will continue to work on making exercise part of my routine. I plan to lift weights 2-3 times a week, have regular swim time with the family, and regularly practice yoga. Join me on my facebook group Girls Rule {Boys Drool} Fitness and/or on MyFitnessPal
  • I will be beginning the year with 30 days of Yoga with Yoga with Adriene. I'm going to give morning yoga a shot, wake up and get on the mat before I do anything.
  • I will find more time to read. I am working on Wicked and then plan to read the other 3 books in the series.
  • I will learn more sign language and share it with the children I care for. I will start this with one of my Christmas gifts this year: Sign to Learn: American Sign Language in the Early Childhood Classroom
  • I will expand my butterfly garden this spring. I need to add more nectar plants to attract more butterflies and need to replenish the Milkweed that did not return this year.
  • I need to remember to write down all the cute kid moments I want to remember years from now: with my Kids Say series
  • And lastly, I will continue with my creative outlet: knitting and crocheting. I have started a stack of crocheted granny squares. My goal is to continue at least 1 square a day until I have enough for a patchwork blanket for myself.

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